Welcome to the Q1 2021 Earnings Season

It's another BIG week for earnings announcements with an assortment of old school vs new tech company announcements:
✅ IBM & Coca Cola ➡️ Monday 19 April
✅ Netflix, P&G Johnsons & Johnsons ➡️ Tuesday 20 April
✅ Ebay, Verizon ➡️ Wednesday 21 April
✅ Intel, AT&T ➡️ Thursday 22 April
✅TESLA, American Express, Chevron ➡️ Friday 23 April
✅ Alphabet (parent company of Google) ➡️ Sunday 25 April
Yes, but what exactly are 'earnings'? and what do you need to know? 🤔
Here are five things you should know
Key Takeaways:
🎯 A company's earnings are its after-tax net income in a given quarter or (fiscal) year.
🎯 It shows a company's real profitability 📈 vs what financial analysts estimate.
🎯Earnings are a key figure used to determine share price / value.
🎯 A company's earnings are used in many common ratios (think PE Ratio/ ROA/ROE etc.).
🎯 Earnings impact a company's share price and therefore could be subject to potential manipulation / creative reporting.
Get the full guide to how 'EARNINGS' work in this week's newsletter here 🔥
🧡 from GenMoney - you know the vibes 🧡